Bird Feeder Craft Night

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Book Talk and Signing with Vicki House

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Local Historian for the town of Oxford and Author Vicki House will be visiting the Oxford Memorial Library for a Book Talk and Signing of her new release, Oxford, New York History The People, The Places & The Events. Tea, coffee, and cookies will be available for guests.

Mindy Robinson – The Quit Center

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Need help quitting smoking? Come talk to Mindy and find out about the free resources provided by the University of Rochester Medical Center and Wilmont Cancer Institiute to help you quit.

Abandoned in Chenango – Henry Drexler

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Join us as Henry Drexler presents his new painting and talks about the history of abandoned farms and farmland in Chenango County. Connect to history through art for an afternoon.

Family Game Night

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Join us for a family game night!


The Oxford Memorial Library will be closed for President's Day. Normal hours will resume on Tuesday.

Fiber Group Meeting

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Dr. Seuss Family Night

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Library Board Meeting

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

The Oxford Memorial Library Board meets once a month, on the second Thursday of the month, to discuss Library business. The public is welcome to attend.

Family Game Night

Oxford Memorial Library 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY, United States

Join us for a family game night!


The Oxford Memorial Library will be closed for Good Friday. Normal hours will resume on Saturday.

Easter Egg Hunt and Story Time at Solitude Farms

Solitude Farms

AT SOLITUDE FARMS not the Oxford Memorial Library Come to this fun Easter event at Solitude Farms for a day of easter egg collecting and Story Time with Jess from the Oxford Memorial Library!