Abandoned In Chenango County

The public is invited to a presentation by Henry J. Drexler, “Abandoned in Chenango County”, to be given at 1 PM on February 10th, 2024 at the Oxford Memorial Library.  While local roads, schools, bridges, taverns and many other things have been abandoned, Drexler will focus on abandoned barns and farms, illustrated with his photographs.  He will also display his recent painting of an abandoned barn that once stood on Hopkins-Crandall Road in Plymouth.  His research indicates we have been losing family farms in Chenango County for over a hundred years and the loss has affected our local culture and economy.

This program is made possible with public funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and administered by The Earlville Opera House

Do you want to quit smoking?

Rescheduled for Monday February 5th

Mindy Robinson from Bassett’s Research Institute will be visiting the Oxford Memorial Library to discuss their Quit Center. If you or someone you know has been wanting to try or struggling to quit smoking, please reach out to Mindy by email at:

melinda.robinson@bassett.org or by phone at: 585-504-9461

This program is completely free.

It is never too late to make a positive change in your life. 

Christmas is right around the corner

We have plenty of Christmas and holiday books to choose from in the library!

Need some help with Christmas cookies or dinner? We have holiday cookbooks for you. 

Want something to read while getting cozy by the Christmas tree? Come pick out one of our Christmas novels. 

Have little ones who want to read about the holiday season? Check out our holiday children’s books.

Don’t celebrate Christmas? We have books about Hannukah, Kwanza, and winter available too.