Homeschool Meet and Greet

On November 30th from 10am-12pm the Oxford Memorial Library is hosting a Homeschool Meet and Greet. There will be fun activities, stories, crafts, and more. Refreshments will be provided as well. 

This will be a great opportunity to have fun and meet other homeschooling families to connect with. The library is also a fantastic resource for homeschooling.

The Timeless Legend

Masks, Myths, and Mime Presents

Stop in for a wonderful show on Tuesday November 14th at 6:00pm. Directed by Barbara Gregson with the actors from Masks, Myths, and Mime the Oxford Library is excited to host a showing of Pandora’s Box!

Call the library to reserve your seat at              (607) 843-6146

Closed on 11/11

The Oxford Library will be closed on Saturday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. We will reopen on Monday November 13th as per usual. 

Please take a moment on Saturday to thank any veterans in your life and remember the many men and women who have served our country. 

Halloween Books are Back!

Nights are getting dark and chilly, trees are changing color, and ghosts are abundant. This can only mean one thing… it’s almost Halloween!

We have a seasonal cart full of spooky and fun Halloween books for the little ones (or big kids too, there’s no age limit on Halloween here). Come check out some scary stories or festive fall reads this month. 

The Great Give Back

We are excited to announce that our Crochet for Charity event is now a part of the state-wide Great Give Back initiative! On Saturday October 21st libraries all across New York State will be hosting events to give back to their communities. Join the cause and come give back at the Oxford Memorial Library. At the Crochet for Charity event, we will be making TwiddleMuffs to donate to nursing homes and care facilities for patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

For more information about the Great Give Back visit their website at 

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Oxford Academy Year Books

Did you or someone you know graduate from Oxford since 1955? If you said yes, you’re in luck! Past yearbooks from 1955-2018 for Oxford Academy High School have been digitized and are now available on our website. You can find them by clicking on the “Oxford Academy Central School Yearbooks” tab at the top of the page (or here). Have fun looking back at old memories and getting a peek at what is has been like to be a student at Oxford Academy throughout the past 60 years!

Crochet for Charity

Our TwiddleMuffs will be donated to local nursing homes and care facilities. If you know someone who would benefit from having a TwiddleMuff you can donate yours directly to them. Although they don’t take too long to make, if you don’t finish you TwiddleMuff on the 21st you can bring the completed project back by October 28th for it to be donated. This also means you can make more than one to donate!

Crochet Pattern (beginner)

Crochet Pattern (advanced)

Knitting Pattern (beginner)

Knitting Pattern (advanced)

Welcome to Oxford Memorial Library

The Oxford Memorial Library is proud to announce that as of March 1st we are now FINE FREE!!!!!!!

We still encourage everyone to return their books on time, of course, and you will also still be charged for lost or damaged materials. 

If you are late, and you would still like to pay the “late fee”, feel free to drop it in the Wishing Well as a donation.